This dataset shows the information on the program that supports the growth of early stage life science companies in Montgomery County.
Grants provide financial assistance to life sciences employers to retain jobs and stimulate the organic growth of the life sciences industry.
The Council enacted Bill 37-19 on 3/16/ 2021, effective 6/24/2021. A portion of the Bill changes the eligibility requirements for the SBIR/STTR Local Matching Grant Program, no longer restricting eligibility to NIH grant recipients, but requiring that the grant received from a Federal agency is for research in medicine, biotechnology or life sciences.
The SBIR/STTR Local Matching Grant Program has a sunset date of July 1, 2025. The County’s SBIR/STTR Local Matching Grant Program allows Montgomery County companies that have at least 51% of their research & development operations in Montgomery County to apply for a County match to a Phase I or Phase II SBIR or STTR grant from the federal agency. Companies that received a Phase 1 SBIR or STTR grant may receive a County match of 25% of the grant amount, up to a maximum of $25,000. Companies that received a Phase II SBIR or STTR grant may receive match of 25% of the grant, up to a maximum of $75,000. Companies are eligible to receive a local match once per calendar year, up to a total of five grant awards