The monthly Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission data represents Montgomery County Facilities and Fleet by month beginning July 2019.
Facilities: The Facilities GHG data represents physical structures used by County residents and County staff who provide services for County residents. Examples include recreation, libraries, theater and arts, health and human services, liquor retail, courthouses, general services, maintenance facilities, correctional facilities, police stations, fire stations, volunteer fire stations, garages, parking lots, bus shelters and park & ride locations. Facilities use the following fuel sources: grid electricity, natural gas, propane and diesel fuel.
Facilities GHG data DOES NOT include Montgomery County Public Schools, Montgomery College and Montgomery Parks Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC).
Fleet: The Fleet GHG data represents Montgomery County vehicles used by County staff who provide services for County residents. Examples include mass transit buses, snowplows, liquor trucks, light duty trucks, police cars, fire engines and fire service equipment, etc. Each County vehicle use different fuel sources (i.e. diesel, mobil diesel, compressed natural gas, unleaded and E-85).
Fleet GHG data DOES NOT include Montgomery County Public School buses, Montgomery College and Montgomery Parks Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) vehicles.
GHG Calculation Method: Facilities and Fleet fuel sources are converted into one common unit of energy- 1 Million British thermal units (MMBtu) which are then used with emissions factors and 100-year global warming potential (GWP) to calculate GHG emissions into one common unit of measure- Metric Tons of CO2 Equivalent (MTCO2e).
For more information go to:
• How to Calculate GHG emissions at
• Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID) at
• Emission Factors for GHG Inventories at
Update Frequency : Monthly